Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Advanced Algorithm Assignment1

Role of Algorithm

Algorithm is any well defined computational procedure that takes some value or set of values as input and produces some value or set of values as output.

The Algorithm describes a specific computational procedure for acheiving that input or output relationship

Real world examples

Sequence comparison
Many coders go their entire careers without ever having to implement an algorithm that uses dynamic programming. However, dynamic programming pops up in a number of important algorithms. One algorithm that most programmers have probably used, even though they may not have known it, finds differences between two sequences. More specifically, it calculates the minimum number of insertions, deletions, and edits required to transform sequence A into sequence B. 

For example, lets consider two sequences of letters, "AABAA" and "AAAB". To transform the first sequence into the second, the simplest thing to do is delete the B in the middle, and change the final A into a B. This algorithm has many applications, including some DNA problems and plagiarism detection. However, the form in which many programmers use it is when comparing two versions of the same source code file. If the elements of the sequence are lines in the file, then this algorithm can tell a programmer which lines of code were removed, which ones were inserted, and which ones were modified to get from one version to the next. 

Without dynamic programming, we would have to consider a - you guessed it - exponential number of transformations to get from one sequence to the other. As it is, however, dynamic programming makes for an algorithm with a runtime of only O(N*M), where N and M are the numbers of elements in the two sequences. 

Computer Gaming

Those who spend some of their time playing computer Sims games (creating their own civilizations and evolving them) will often find themselves playing against sophisticated artificial intelligence GAs instead of against other human players online. These GAs have been programmed to incorporate the most successful strategies from previous games - the programs 'learn' - and usually incorporate data derived from game theory in their design. Game theory is useful in most all GA applications for seeking solutions to whatever problems they are applied to, even if the application really is a game.

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