Wednesday, 16 October 2013


NP-complete problem, are computational problems for which no efficient solution algorithm has been found. Many significant computer-science problems belong to this class—e.g., the traveling salesman problem, satisfiability problems, and graph-covering problems.
So-called easy, or tractable, problems can be solved by computer algorithms that run in polynomial time; i.e., for a problem of size n, the time or number of steps needed to find the solution is a polynomial function of n. Algorithms for solving hard, or intractable, problems, on the other hand, require times that are exponential functions of the problem size n.
A problem is called NP (non-deterministic polynomial) if its solution can be guessed and verified in polynomial time; non-deterministic means that no particular rule is followed to make the guess. If a problem is NP and all other NP problems are polynomial-time reducible to it, the problem is NP-complete.
In complexity theory, the NP-complete problems are the hardest problems in NP, in the sense that they are the ones most likely not to be in P. The reason is that if you could find a way to solve an NP-complete problem quickly, then you could use that algorithm to solve all NP problems quickly.
One example of an NP-complete problem is the subset sum problem which is: given a finite set of integers, determine whether any non-empty subset of them adds up to zero. A supposed answer is very easy to verify for correctness, but no-one knows a faster way to solve the problem than to try every single possible subset, which is very slow.
At present, all known algorithms for NP-complete problems require time which is exponential in the problem size. It is unknown whether there are any faster algorithms. Therefore, in order to solve an NP-complete problem for any non-trivial problem size, one of the following approaches is used:
  • Approximation: An algorithm which quickly finds a sub-optimal solution which is within a certain (known) range of the optimal one. Not all NP-complete problems have good approximation algorithms, and for some problems finding a good approximation algorithm is enough to solve the problem itself.
  • Probabilistic: An algorithm which provably yields good average runtime behavior for a given distribution of the problem instances—ideally, one that assigns low probability to "hard" inputs.
  • Special cases: An algorithm which is provably fast if the problem instances belong to a certain special case
  • Heuristic: An algorithm which works "reasonably well" on many cases, but for which there is no proof that it is always fast.

Formal definition of NP-completeness

A decision problem C is NP-complete if it is in NP and if every other problem in NP is reducible to it. "Reducible" here means that for every NP problem L, there is a polynomial-time algorithm which transforms instances of L into instances of C, such that the two instances have the same truth values. As a consequence, if we had a polynomial time algorithm for C, we could solve all NP problems in polynomial time.
In mathematical terms,
  • L in NP
  • L'  L for every L' in NP
This definition was given by Stephen Cook.
It isn't really correct to say that NP-complete problems are the hardest problems in NP. Assuming that P and NP are not equal, there are guaranteed to be an infinite number of problems that are in NP, but are neither NP-complete nor in P. Some of these problems may actually have higher complexity than some of the NP-complete problems.

Example : Hamilton Cycle
A Hamilton cycle is a cycle in the graph that visits every vertex exactly once.
There are two versions of the Directed Hamilton Cycle Problem.
The function version:
Given a directed graph G with n vertices find a Hamilton Cycle in G.
The decision version:
Given a directed graph G with n vertices determine if G has a Hamilton Cycle.

Theorem : Both versions of the Directed Hamilton Cycle problem are NP-complete.

Proof : The Function Version of the Problem is Reducible to the Decision Version of the Problem. The algorithm described below solves the function version of the problem with O(n2calls of the decision version of the problem.

Input: The directed graph G

Output: A Hamilton Cycle in G if one exists or "no solution" if it doesn't.

Auxiliary Function: f(G){0,1} where f(G)=1 iff G has a Hamilton Cycle.
If f(G)=0 output "no solution". Pick a starting vertex. Call it v0. The solution path starts at v0. While G has more then one vertex:
Pick one of the edges going out of v0. Call that edge (v0,u).
If f(G(v0,u))=1 remove (v0,u) from G
Otherwise add u to the end of the solution set and remove the vertices v0 and u from G and replace them with a new v0 where (v0,w) is in the new graph if (u,w) is in the old graph, and (w,v0) is in the new graph if (w,v0) is in the old graph. Finally add v0 to the end of the solution path and we have our solution. Because every time f(G) is calculated at least one edge is removed f(G) is called O(n2) times. This algorithm shows the functional problem polynomially reduces to the decision problem. The functional problem also reduces to the the decision problem because if the output of the functional problem is anything other then "no solution" then G has a Hamilton Cycle. Because they are mutually polynomially reducible we can show that both are NP or NP-hard by showing that either of them are NP or NP-hard. 


The Directed Hamilton Cycle Problem is NP

Given a potential solution to the decision problem in the form of a sequence of vertices it is possible to determine if that sequence is a Hamilton Cycle by making sure every vertex appears exactly once and verifying that each vertex in the sequence follows is adjacent to the previous vertex.Because a potential solution can be verified or rejected in polynomial time the Hamilton Cycle Problem is NP. 


The Directed Hamilton Cycle Problem is NP-hard

Consider the following diagram of a part of a graph:

It is clear that either (A,B) or (B,A) must be included in any Hamilton Cycle. Likewise either (C,D) or (D,C) must be included. The three cases for these four vertices are:
In short, the four vertices A,B,C,D must be visited in order or in reverse order. Also, they can only visit the E node if they are in the right order. These pieces of the graph can be concatenated by letting the D node of one piece be the same as the A node of the next. The final graph to be constructed takes a form similar to the following diagram
The boxes represent concatenations of the pieces we have just studied. In the final graph there will be one of these rows for every variable in the CNF SAT problem, each one linked to another row as shown here. (This creates a circuit through the rows.) A left to right path corresponds to the variable being true and a right to left path corresponds to the variable being false.
In addition to these vertices there will also be one vertex for every clause in the original problem. These will take the E vertex position in the first diagram. A vertex will have be attached to a pair of vertices in a row if the variable the row corresponds to appears in the clause, going left to right if the variable is not negated and right to left if it is negated. In the image the E type node would contain x1¬x2 if the first row corresponded to x1, and the second to x2.
Clearly all the vertices could only be visited in a cycle if there was some choice of direction for each of the rows that allowed all the E type vertices to be visited. That would only happen if there was some way of deciding values for the variables in the CNF SAT problem that gave each clause at least one true variable in its conjunction. And so the graph has a Hamilton Cycle iff the CNF SAT problem has a solution.
The number of vertices in a given row is at most 3l+3 because each variable can only appear in each clause once (Otherwise that clause is either internally redundant or trivially satisfied), each additional instance of a variable only requires three additional vertices, and there are only three nodes of overhead. The number of E type vertices is l. Therefore the total number of vertices in the constructed graph is at most 3lm+3m+l vertices. Because the size of the graph is bounded by a polynomial of the size of the CNF SAT problem this scheme is a polynomial reduction from CNF SAT to the directed Hamilton Cycle problem.

The Directed Hamilton Cycle problem is NP-hard. Because the Directed Hamilton Cycle problem is NP and NP-hard it is NP-complete 

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